Discuss what you think about the text’s argument (explain whether you agree or disagree and why)

First Draft for essay (O’Connor Misinformation) In the first draft, you’ll analyze and explain an argument of your choice (the Introduction paper and article are attached. the first draft should: Explain the argument of a text (identify premises and conclusion) This is similar to summarizing the article, but you aren’t just describing or paraphrasing every […]

What makes insider claimsmakers effective-how do they frame issues so that outsider claimsmakers are thwarted in their attempts to gain ownership of the issue at hand?

How do insider claimsmakers operate? First, read chapter 4 of Joel Best’s Social Problems and then watch the attached video. Then answer the following questions: How are environmental and economic problems shaped by insider claimsmakers? What makes insider claimsmakers effective and how do they frame issues so that outsider claimsmakers are thwarted in their attempts […]

Identify the author’s purpose, and examine how he or she uses rhetoric to express a message. objectively evaluate success of argument

Description this is the link. PURPOSE: * identify the author’s purpose, and examine how he or she uses rhetoric to express a message. objectively evaluate success of argument REQUIREMENTS: • You MUST plan before you write! (can be a rough list, outline, graphic organizer, etc.) • Length: at least 750 words (approx. 2 ½ pages, […]

Pick one of the four argumentative essays you read concerning the question, “Should every American go to college?” (Perry’s “On ‘Real Education’ – II,” Reich’s “Why College Isn’t (And Shouldn’t Have to Be) For Everyone,” Murray’s “What’s Wrong with Vocational School?” or Strauss’s “Why We Are Looking at the ‘Value’ of College All Wrong”).analyze the essay you have chosen.

Assignment: Pick one of the four argumentative essays you read concerning the question, “Should every American go to college?” (Perry’s “On ‘Real Education’ – II,” Reich’s “Why College Isn’t (And Shouldn’t Have to Be) For Everyone,” Murray’s “What’s Wrong with Vocational School?” or Strauss’s “Why We Are Looking at the ‘Value’ of College All Wrong”). […]

Identify a public to which you belong.Describe how this public is constituted through rhetoric. Provide multiple examples of rhetorical activity—of voices, or texts, or events, or platforms (website, podcasts, etc)—that bring this public into being.

Think about the readings on the public sphere and how that relates to your own life. FIRST PARAGRAPH: Identify a public to which you belong. Use two of the concepts from the RCL chapter on publics to characterize this public. This paragraph should clearly demonstrate that it is a public, but also use other concepts […]