Complete the Rhetorical Situation Informed Response Table by writinganinformed response about the rhetorical situation and notingspecific passage examples to support your informed response.

Responses to Rhetorical Situations Worksheet For this assessment, you will review 3 passages from 3 different genres of writing you might encounter in your daily life. The title of each passage has been removed. You’ll be asked to make informed responses about the following aspects of rhetorical situation for each of the passages: Writer’s purpose […]

What are the source’s particular strengths or weaknesses?

Specifics – Annotated Bibliography: Assignment Description Unlike a plain list of sources, an annotated bibliography also includes the writer’s annotation or commentary on each source. Each annotation should include the following: 1. Rhetorical information. This includes the source’s rhetorical context, particularly its genre and its purpose and audience. Is this source a scholarly article? An […]

What do you imagine is important to understand about the writing in your chosen career or your academic major in order to participate in the conversation of that discipline or community or field of work?

Project Three Overview Project 3 asks students to develop a Reflective Analysis of 3-5 pages, based on the reflection prompts provided in P3.6. In Projects One and Two, you explored what research is, how to conduct it, and how to present research in an academic essay. In Project Three, we are considering what writing and […]

Analyze a character from A Raisin in the Sun in a well-organized essay.

Essay 2: Character Analysis Rhetorical Situation: Purpose: To analyze a character from A Raisin in the Sun in a well-organized essay. This essay should analyze the internal workings of a character- motivation, personality, and how these factors shape/determine the events and ultimate outcome of the work. Therefore, consider what the character says and how he […]

How has your understanding of the research process changed as a result of taking this course?

Question ASSIGNMENT: Review the in-text comments and summary feedback you received on your Touchstone 3.2 draft to enhance your writing. You will then submit a revision of your Touchstone 3.2 draft that reflects the evaluator’s feedback, making all necessary changes to the idea development, organization, style, and conventions. Make sure to include a copy of […]

How do your memos reflect your knowledge/assumptions about your audience?

Professional Memo/Letter Writing Assignment Write two different professional communications, and analyze the different contexts, strategies, and processes required to complete the tasks. One communication should be to an internal audience. The second communication should be to an external audience. The third piece a Cover Letter, Self-Analysis, or Reflection in which you describe in detail your […]

What are examples of rhetoric that you see or hear on a daily basis?

Backpacks vs. Briefcases: Steps toward Rhetorical Analysis by Laura Bolin Carroll What are examples of rhetoric that you see or hear on a daily basis? What are some ways that you create rhetoric? What kinds of messages are you trying to communicate? What is an example of a rhetorical situation that you have found yourself […]

What specific elements in the writing which appears there can help us decide?

IC 4: Select two or three leading journals or other professional publications in your academic major or any other academic discipline in which you are interested. Next, conduct a brief rhetorical analysis of the writing which appears in them. Consider the following questions: What is the purpose of the articles and other materials that appear […]

Identify at least two or three rhetorical devices used during this debate and explain their effect on the audience.

Find a two-minute clip on any debate aired on the news in the last year. Provide a link to the clip and address the following: What is the context of the argument being made? Identify at least two or three rhetorical devices used during this debate and explain their effect on the audience. Do you […]