Do you see how the material in each section serves to support the main argument?

Final Summary Assignment A foundational writing genre in the study of composition is the art of crafting effective summaries. Before we can advance our own rhetorical skills, we must first master strategies to strengthen the way we integrate the ideas of other authors through strategic quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Step 1: (Remember, you have already […]

How does the use of rhetorical devices help achieve the purposes of the Preamble to the Constitution?

Preamble ASSIGNMENT: Write a response to the following prompt: How does the use of rhetorical devices help achieve the purposes of the Preamble to the Constitution? Make sure to support your points and assertions by using examples from the document. Hint: Examine The Preamble to the Constitution for the following: -Purpose – Examples: – to […]

Do you have any previous experience with rhetorical analysis?

Do you have any previous experience with rhetorical analysis? What did you do? (no worries if it is nothing). Think of one time in real life that you have seen the use of pathos, ethos, or logos? (think news, speeches or commercials). What was it? Do you view it differently, now that you know a […]

What audiences are addressed and how does the speech address them?

COM123- MOD 1 Discussion Obama Speech Follow the instructions below to complete the discussion: In 200-250 words, create a discussion post that addresses the question below: In this week’s readings you learned about the rhetorical situation and how we can break down speeches into specific elements of occasion, audience, speaker, and speech. After watching the example […]

Who does he see as his audience, and what does he want them to do?

Discussion 7 In a well-developed paragraph (at least 150 words), respond to the following question related to the rhetorical situation of “Coming into Language” from page 603 of An Insider’s Guide to Academic Writing: 1. Consider Baca’s audience and purpose. Who does he see as his audience, and what does he want them to do? […]

Why do you think understanding the rhetorical situation might be important to know when you’re writing?

The Importance of creating an ideal workplace: This assignment contains two parts, each requiring a written response of 200 words (400 total). In order to receive full credit, both parts of this assignment must be submitted and all questions should be addressed. Part 1 First, revisit the concepts involved in understanding rhetorical situations. Consider the […]

Summarizes, and explains the best secondary sources available on your narrowed topic.

Evaluative Annotated Bibliography Assignment: Produce an evaluative annotated bibliography that collects, Summarizes, and explains the best secondary sources available on your narrowed topic. Many of the sources collected will be scholarly. The annotated bibliography will 1) summarize the source and 2) explain its rhetorical context (the journal and its audience, the purpose of the article, […]

Identify all the phrases and clauses, and explain the function of each phrase or clause.

Label the subject and predicate, identify all the phrases and clauses, and explain the function of each phrase or clause. Example: Writers adapt their writing to match the rhetorical situation. The subject is writers, and the predicate is adapt their writing to match the rhetorical situation, which includes an adverbial infinitive to match the rhetorical […]