Analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources.

5.4.1 Review legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources. 5.4.2 Analyse the implications of intellectual property rights and copyright for the development and use of resources. The student should complete an essay reviewing legal requirements and responsibilities relating to the development and use of resources. Included within this should be […]

Discuss The U.S.Constitution and Due Process has created some legal issues involved in Criminal Investigation. Explain in detail the importance of these rights and give the pros/cons in regards to your belief on “handcuffing the police” during their investigation.

The U.S.Constitution and Due Process has created some legal issues involved in Criminal Investigation. Explain in detail the importance of these rights and give the pros/cons in regards to your belief on “handcuffing the police” during their investigation. Cite from Supreme Court cases, outside sources, etc. ( I am against “handcuffing the police” during thier […]

Elaborate on the background/details of the case and describe how its outcome had an impact on the civil rights and/or civil liberties of citizens in the United States.Brown VS board of education.

Topic: Civil rights and liberties Paper details: Brown VS board of education. Elaborate on the background/details of the case and describe how its outcome had an impact on the civil rights and/or civil liberties of citizens in the United States.

Research human rights and how different populations such as children may have different rights,. For example, look up the website Of Child Protective Services In Philadelphia and examine the rights.

Research human rights and how different populations such as children may have different rights,. For example, look up the website Of Child Protective Services In Philadelphia and examine the rights. Display your findings in a 1 slide Powerpoint

Discuss Should the prisoners also have these rights? Why or why not? What reasons might correctional institutions have to map these inmates?

Within the Discussion Board area, write up to 3 paragraphs that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas: Should the prison system also map inmates that have these types of diseases? The general public has raised an outcry about insurance […]

How does McGuire’s effort to put black women at the center of her story depart from the ways that the Civil Rights Movement is typically characterized? Point to at least two specific pieces of evidence which illustrate the implications of this shift.

How does McGuire’s effort to put black women at the center of her story depart from the ways that the Civil Rights Movement is typically characterized? Point to at least two specific pieces of evidence which illustrate the implications of this shift. To receive full points for this assignment your response must: 1) Address all […]

Briefly discuss at least two controversial issues concerning workplace rights (other than monitoring e-mail). Provide real-life examples to illustrate your answer.

What are the employee workplace rights mandated by U.S. Federal law? Briefly discuss at least two controversial issues concerning workplace rights (other than monitoring e-mail). Provide real-life examples to illustrate your answer. In addition, discuss the issue of workplace privacy. Specifically, do employees have the right to expect privacy in their e-mail conversations, or do […]

Explain Have you found or researched other disability rights organizations than those listed?  If so, how do they compare when you think about the important role of organizing people with disabilities in our fight for equality and disability rights in the US?

1.  Many disability organizations are classified by type of disability.  Do you see differences between these organizations based on whether they are meant to represent people with apparent disabilities vs. non-apparent?  How about when you compare organizations representing people with intellectual and mental disabilities vs. physical disabilities? Use this link as your reference to answer […]