Explain why each example dance represents its specific aspect by describing the relationship between the roles of participation and any other defining features.

Dance lesson 1 After viewing (video and reading the materials illustrating the Performance, Ritual, Participatory and Somatic dances (4 word documents and 1 pdf), select a dance form from among the examples to represent each aspect. You will select a total of 4 dances. You have to answer BOTH 2 PROMPTS Prompt 1: Explain why […]

Identify any problems you might be having in examining your own culture from an ethic perspective

Can you identify any biases that you might have about the cultural practices Identify any problems you might be having in examining your own culture from an etic perspective or the other culture from an emic perspective. Review Miner’s article Body Ritual Among the Nacirema Download Body Ritual Among the Nacirema, and explain how his […]

Describe and analyze your experience of the performance event in terms of ritual.

Description FALL 2020 COVID-19 NOTE: Usually in this class you’re asked to attend a community ritual performance of your choosing to reflect upon. However, this time I want you stay home and safe, and think back upon a recent live event you attended and use that event for this assignment. Some examples of a Community […]

What role does a personal sense of morality play in the course material you have studied so far? How does myth help shape an individual’s values?

Consider all that you have read and viewed so far this term – the readings, the course videos, and all of the other content – and then answer the following questions: Based on the course material, how “just” and/or “fair” is the world and the relationship that exists between man and god that is envisioned […]