Summarize the article as you explain how it helps with the topic

In relation to How has Technology Changed the World, the article below explains robots in the tourism and hospitality business. Summarize the article as you explain how it helps with the topic Doguc, O. (2022). Robot process automation (RPA) and it’s future. In Reit’srch Anthology on Cross-Disciplinary Designs and Applications of Automation (pp. 35-58). IGI […]

Draw influence lines for shear at critical sections and determine the maximum shear at each section using only full-span loading.

Design a rectangular beam continuous over three spans as shown in the accompanying figure. The live load is 2.4 kips/ft, and the superimposed dead load is 1.6 kips/ft in addition to the beam weight. Supports are 16″ wide. Assume fic = 4,000 psi, and f1= 60,000 psi. a) Is ACI simplified method of analysis for […]

What three business options do you suggest to research and develop for your final research paper?

Identify three major issues for the use of AI and robots in business. Are these three issues common across business today? Compare these three issues. What is common with them? Do you believe these three issues would corrupt business applications? What three business options do you suggest to research and develop for your final research […]

What makes a good teaching experience-Describe qualities of a good teacher-a good student.

Admission essay Prompt: What makes a good teaching experience? Describe qualities of a good teacher and a good student. Inspiration can be drawn from possibly a great teacher or coach you’ve had in school, a time when you taught someone something, or a time when a friend taught you something (600 words max). Member, School […]