What is the film Wall-E’s message to the audience and does the message make the film worth watching?

1. Is the film Wall-E a good example of an animation, science-fiction, romance, or hybrid genre worth watching? Why? 2. What is the film Wall-E’s message to the audience and does the message make the film worth watching? Argument = Claim + Support : The film Wall-E is an excellent hybrid genre worth watching because […]

Provide one paragraph on your opinion on learning from robots, and how than can impact you and others. Why? How?

Write at lease one paragraph for each of the 3 questions. Notice that question number 1 requires more answers than the two others. Links are attached with each question. 1.Classroom Robots (video included): https://builtin.com/robotics/robotics-in-the-classroom (Links to an external site.) Scroll through the various models and video clips of robots ready to be deployed in classrooms […]

How does the information you learned connect to your own view of the US economy and job market? In other words, will any of this affect you?Provide two paragraphs.

After reading the materials for this week, describe some of the advice Oxford Economics is giving their clients in preparation for the “rise of the robots”. 1- How does the information you learned connect to your own view of the US economy and job market? In other words, will any of this affect you?Provide two […]

Describe the technology, its purpose, how it works, and when it would be used. Discuss the ethical and privacy issues around the technology.

Technology in the Criminal Justice System Select one current technology in the criminal justice system. For ideas on current technologies, refer to the list below. Current Technologies Surveillance technologies. (A list is maintained on the ACLU’s Surveillance Technologies page.) Facial recognition technology. Biometrics. Robots/drones. Shot-spotters. Thermal imaging cameras. AI/predictive policing. Automatic license plate recognition. Body […]

Are we to allow legal robots in the courtroom?Discuss

Essay question: Are we to allow legal robots in the courtroom? Make sure you explain key concepts such as Justified True Belief (Gettier problem, if applicable), skepticism, Cartesian dualism, identity theory (type and/or token), functionalism, and any other concept relevant to the topic of knowledge and human mind. Avoid the temptation to explain in details […]

Explain Should future robots be built if they might take away jobs?

Find research articles about the future of robotics and ethics. Make sure to read articles that are for robotics and ones that are against robotics. Write a short (500 word) essay answering this question: “Should future robots be built if they might take away jobs?” The essay will be your opinion, formed from critical thinking. […]

Research, analyse, and review the advantages and disadvantages of using Robots in society, and to raise any relevant concerns for their development in the future.

In your capacity as a professional Computing Practitioner, you have been asked to research, analyse, and review the advantages and disadvantages of using Robots in society, and to raise any relevant concerns for their development in the future. You are also asked to make any recommendations for their design and development in adhering to relevant […]