Provide some examples outside of math class of how you could apply your knowledge of polynomials.

Everyday Polynomials Introduction Let’s Explore! Because a polynomial is only a multi-term algebraic expression, it’s not as difficult as it might seem. Polynomials typically have multiple terms, each of which may be a variable, a number, or a combination of both. While some employ polynomials more deliberately, some people use them subconsciously throughout the day. […]

Describe the end behavior of your function and give a reason for this behavior.

1. Draw a rough sketch of your “roller coaster” ride on a coordinate plane. Note: Be sure to illustrate your x-axis and y-axis scale to identify the length of the ride (x-axis) and the height of the ride (y-axis) you are designing. Make sure your design meets all the criteria listed above. 2. Calculate the […]