What were the most significant cultural changes that came as a consequence of Roman imperialism? How and in what ways did these cultures, ideas, and institutions continue and evolve after the decline of imperial power?

Roman Empire You can choose from 1 of two prompts: 1. What were the most significant cultural changes that came as a consequence of Roman imperialism? How and in what ways did these cultures, ideas, and institutions continue and evolve after the decline of imperial power? 2. To what extent was the size of the […]

Why did Roman emperors seek to link themselves with the many gods of the empire? What was the impact of associating the emperor with local gods?

Use your own words no need to use quotes. DO NOT PLAIGERIZE. Choose twenty of the following questions and write a minimum of one substantial paragraph (5-7 sentences) in response to each. To be uploaded to BlackBoard by the time of our last class. 1) Was the demise of paganism inevitable? 2) What were the […]

What aspects of Rome’s borders, military, imperial families, politics, or culture changed, and what role did the year of 69 CE play in that change?Discuss

PLEASE READ ALL DIRECTIONS In this essay, please explain what you see as the two biggest changes in the Roman empire between the years before and after the year of 69 CE. What aspects of Rome’s borders, military, imperial families, politics, or culture changed, and what role did the year of 69 CE play in […]