How do these cultural beliefs influence the way you make meaning of your current stage of life?

Rose is a 60-year-old woman who has been having serious attacks of dizziness and shortness of breath as Thanksgiving approaches. Rose is usually active and energetic. In the past, she looked forward to entertaining her family, which used to include three married daughters, one married son, their spouses, and their children. However, her son has […]

What are some things you might say to Rose-In what ways can she control the group through her silence?

Group Counseling Skills: Vignette Exercise For BOTH vignettes: in 400-500 words each describe your solution to the problem. Be sure to answer the questions posed at the end of each vignette as part of your answer. 1. The Silent Member. Rose rarely says much in her group. Other members have caringly confronted her about how […]

How did they deal with these constraints-how were they affected by them?

Patriarchal Write a 3-4 pages essay including direct quote from both articles. Women in different times and places have lived under the constraints of a patriarchal society. How did they deal with these constraints and how were they affected by them? Read and interpret “A Rose for Emily” and “The Daughters of the Dead Colonel” […]

How far do explanations of offending based on individual factors (such as biology, psychology, life-course, and addiction) challenge ideas of free will-choice?

Criminology How far do explanations of offending based on individual factors (such as biology, psychology, life-course, and addiction) challenge ideas of free will and choice? Are they too deterministic to be useful? Crucially, answers needed to try to assess what the implications and issues with such an understanding might be – does it lead to […]

How do these characters function within their respective stories? To what do they control their own lives?

It’s a compare and contrast essay. for the two stories A Rose for Emily and the Yellow Wallpaper. Compare and contrast the protagonist Emily and the unnamed wife . How do these characters function within their respective stories? To what do they control their own lives? the teacher has our resources to paste to the […]