Describe the theories of Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau about how societies are organized.

Freedom and Authority Write a 2-3-page essay on a selected issue related to the tension between individual freedom and social institutions. Introduction There is a very delicate balance between the freedoms that individuals enjoy in society and the authority that governs them. Benjamin Franklin (1755) addressed this in a now-famous quote: “Those who would give […]

How do key modern philosophers like Sartre and Marx understand the question-What do you think of them?

CONTEXT Today’s culture is rife with clichés and preconceptions about freedom, beginning with the idea that freedom is nothing more than the ability to “do what you want. This course has modestly attempted to go beyond this simplified view to explore the conditions and limits of freedom. But the subject remains inexhaustible and complex. Rousseau, […]

How did new enlightened thought transform the Western world from the age of absolutism to a period of revolution and liberalism?

PROMPT: How did new enlightened thought transform the Western world from the age of absolutism to a period of revolution and liberalism? Be sure to discuss purposes of the Enlightenment and major figures including Locke, Voltaire, and Rousseau. How did their work influence the beginning of the Age of Revolution? Sources: 2. John Locke. Two […]

What does it illustrate about justice in the city and in the individual?

Discuss and critically evaluate Descartes’ proof that God must exist. That is; fully explain the responses and replies to this ‘proof’. Is the critic successful in his efforts to refute Descartes? Why or why not?  Possible topics:  Again, please do not feel limited to these topics.  You are encouraged to write on what interests you […]

What does Machiavelli mean when he says that leaders need to cultivate the virtues of the fox and the lion?

The social contract Part I: Short Essays: Answer the following Five questions with a few sentences or at most several paragraphs. There is no need to construct a formal essay with an introduction, body, and conclusion. (Do that for Part II of the exam.) Just answer each question directly as it is posed to you […]