What would you do if you were taken to a psychiatric center because you were out walking, something you did every day for years and years?

Taken What would you do if you were taken to a psychiatric center because you were out walking, something you did every day for years and years? Write about your daily routine and something in your daily routine you couldn’t live without? What would you do if that thing then was banned?

Differentiate between routine operating decisions and non-routine operating decisions with suitable examples.

Q1. Differentiate between routine operating decisions and non-routine operating decisions with suitable examples. List all non-routine operating decisions and explain any two decisions with suitable examples. (3 Marks) Note: Your answer must include numerical examples for each method along with qualitative consideration. Suppose that you are working in a company as a cost manager that […]

How teachers can plan and implement these strategies during routine instruction and individualized instruction (e.g., how can these strategies fit into an instructional day?).

Individualized Instructional Interventions and Strategies Create a PowerPoint presentation of 12-15 slides that describes PRT, milieu teaching, and discrete trial training that can be shared with general education teachers. Address the following; 1. Key elements of PRT, milieu teaching, and discrete trial training; 2. What types of skills can be taught using these strategies; and […]