Compare and contrast Chinese, Iranian, and Russian intelligence organizations. Of the three nations, which one do you think poses the greatest threat to U.S. national security?

Topic: What country poses the greatest threat to U.S. national security based on the capabilities of their foreign intelligence organization This weeks assignment question reflects the second Course Objective: Compare and contrast the capabilities of foreign intelligence organizations to determine which country poses the greatest threat to U.S. national security. You will assess their HUMINT, […]

How might our cultural upbringing, personal assumptions, and opinions influence our etiquette, civility, or incivility as health care managers?

What did you say? Select one of the case studies that was part of this session’s assigned reading. Write a 2-3 page paper that responds to the questions posed at the end of the case study. In the case study paper, include what you have personally learned from the case study that you could directly […]

Consider what life was like for the average person in Europe, Russia, or North America during that time-Is life in your created country similar or different?

Nation Creation: Building Political Policies and Alliances To prepare for this Assignment: Envision your own country called YOUR-NAME-HERE-land. Review the Howard and Hamby readings in this week’s Resources to more clearly understand the realities of the world in which you will create your country. Consider what life was like for the average person in Europe, […]

Choose a text (or several texts) that try to deal with an event or a process from Russian history. How does this or that author approach the chosen subject? What tools does he/she use to tell the story?

uring this semester we discussed a lot of texts and social contexts that they were written in or issues they were dedicated to. Your task is to choose a text (or several texts) that try to deal with an event or a process from Russian history. How does this or that author approach the chosen […]

Reflect on how assessments of Stalin and Stalinism have been used over time, as well as why Stalin’s legacy is still contested today.

Paper detalis: Stalin looms large over 20th C Soviet and Russian History. Even today roughly 50% of Russians view Stalin positively, while today the Holodomor is regarded as a nation-defining experience in independent Ukraine. Reflect on how assessments of Stalin and Stalinism have been used over time, as well as why Stalin’s legacy is still […]