How did both of these transformations grow out of discontent in their respective nations and how did they both create new ways of governing and promises for change?

  1) Explain the origins of World War I, the deadly and destructive course of the war, its impact on the societies of those nations at war, and the immediate geopolitical consequences of the peace process. 2) Compare and contrast the Russian Revolution and the rise of fascism in Germany in the 1930s. How did […]

How did World War I lead to social and political change, particularly within Europe-What were some long-term consequences of these changes?

Questions: 1. Identify and describe at least TWO examples of decolonization that took place after World War II. Who controlled these former colonies, and when did they become independent nations? Were there any political or military struggles that took place before or after their independence? 2. Identify at least TWO consequences of World War I […]

What are one or two major differences? What are one-two major things they have in common? (350 words maximum)

Answer the question below with a 500-700 word essay (roughly 2 to 4 printed pages, 12-point font, double spaced, not including “Works Cited” page). Write using sentences and paragraphs; do not write in point form or in rough. Your answer is due on Monday February 14 by 11:59 PM. The late penalty is a 5% […]