What kind of relationship exists between the writer and the audience?

Book Study on Ruth Each student will write a book study, on Ruth, The paper should have the following five parts of about equal length. What are you quite sure about, and about what are you uncertain? Always indicate what it was in the Scripture that led you to your conclusion. 1. Deductions about audience […]

What single-subjects design would allow you to try both treatments?

Experimental Research For this discussion, consider the following case: You are a school counselor, and Ruth is a somewhat difficult student in your life skills class. As a special needs learner she needs the content you teach in your class; however, she refuses to attend class or participate in class activities. You would like to […]

when considering how to approach achieving livability and sustainability as a public administrator?

Topic: LIVABLE COMMUNITY DISCUSSION Think about Ruth &Franklin ’s (2014) discussion of the juxtaposition between the concepts of livability and sustainability. We know that the chief difference is the tension between the present and the future. Based on the Week 1 readings, describe in at least 200 words what is the best approach to take […]

Do you think that Ruth and Naomi find a new life and a new home because of their own perseverance or because of the biblical God’s help?

Assessment VI QUESTION 11 1. As Americans, we are all told that we can be whatever we want, yet many have the idea that all is a matter of fate or divine predetermination, as when someone says, “Everything happens for a reason.” Which of these two sentiments do you believe and live by most deeply? […]