Identify at least three things that you would include in your own business plan.

Discussion Question – Week 5: Go to business plans.php (Links to an external site.) and choose a sample business plan that is most like a business you might want to start. As you read the plan, identify at least three things that you would include in your own business plan.

How will it benefit your friend financially? Socially-Personally-Is it really worth the time-effort involved?

Writing sample Imagine that you have a friend who is thinking about coming to college. Write a letter to this friend convincing him or her to come to school. You need to persuade this person to enroll, so you want to think of as many reasons to come to college as you can. How will […]

Describe how you plan to integrate to specific cultural competency principles and how you plan to integrate to specific NASW Code of Ethics ethical principles discussed in class and from your own research into your research proposal.

Design a Research Proposal on Child Abuse with a minimum of 15 credible peer-reviewed, scholarly articles cited. Paper should include: • Title Page • Table of Contents • Introduction • Literature Review • Problem Statement • Research Question and/or Hypotheses Develop a research question and sample variables. Develop a search strategy for books and articles […]