Are Cisneros’ family expectations similar or different than your family’s expectations?

Introduction In “Only Daughter” by Sandra Cisneros, Cisneros describes what it was like to grow up as the only girl in a family of seven children, born to a Mexican-American mother and a Mexican father. In “Only Daughter,” she discusses the difficulties of growing up the only daughter in an American-Mexican family, and how her […]

Why do you think this experience is so important not only to Cisneros but also to her father?

“Only Daughter” in your Evergreen Workbook written by Sandra Cisneros What particular experience creates a significant improvement in this relationship? Why do you think this experience is so important not only to Cisneros but also to her father?

Explain how and why traditional interpretations of Mexican-American women negatively affects their current circumstances-perceptions of self from a political, economic

Select ONE prompt from the list below. Address it effectively with a specific thesis statement and ample academic evidence to support your claims in at least 500 words. Non-academic sources are not acceptable. The use of at least three secondary sources is required, and they must be cited correctly in-text throughout your answer and on […]