Define lead strategy, lag strategy, and match strategy, and recommend which your selected organization should pursue and why.

Product and Service Design – Operation Management Capacity Planning When the capacity of an organization to produce goods or services and the demands of its customers to purchase goods or services is not matched, then the result is inefficiency, either in under-utilized resources or dissatisfied customers. Critical Thinking- Address the following requirements: Choose a Saudi […]

Why is working capital so important to a firm when the presence of credit and leverage tend to be utilized more?

Working capital management involves managing the firm’s liquidity, which in turn involves managing the firm’s investments in current assets and in the use of current liabilities. Explain the determinants of net working capital and the cash conversion cycle. How can these strategies be used in Saudi Arabian companies? Why is working capital so important to […]

What advantage does a highly liquid firm have over a highly leveraged firm? Explain.

Working capital management involves managing the firm’s liquidity, which in turn involves managing the firm’s investments in current assets and in the use of current liabilities. Explain the determinants of net working capital and the cash conversion cycle. How can these strategies be used in Saudi Arabian companies? Why is working capital so important to […]