Do the characters fall into a state of nature or resist a State of Nature in their goal to achieve Felicity?

Hobbes theory of a State of Nature Drawing upon (course notes and reading) on Hobbes’ theory of a State of Nature discuss how a “war of all against all” ensues between different character’s in the story of your film choice, in the goal to achieve Felicity (whichever aspect/s of felicity this may be e.g. power, […]

What is the implication, consequence,-strategy that needs to be taken to act legally and ethically?

Ethics Presentation You are expected to create a presentation on the topic for the class: What are the ethical issues embedded in the scenario? What is your stance for or against the issue; elaborate on why you have taken this stance with evidence citations from litigation, ethical theories, and/or principles and standards. What is the […]

How will MLT team get support for the design-How will your team get support from the production team if the MLT design is chosen?

Scenario: A new medical products company that specializes in products that benefit the disabled, began about a year ago. They realized that product development is further enhanced when their creative product developers and engineers work in teams. The company vision is: Provide enabling products to enhance lives. Their mission is to provide products that make […]

Who funds the transportation-What state regulations are there related to transporting patients to health appointments?

4-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Funding and the Regulatory Environment Explore what transportation to medical and mental health appointments is available in the community that you are using for your final project. This is the point when you must identify which community will be the focus of your final project. In a journal post, analyze […]

What extent is the code clear enough? How easily is it to follow the code?

Then create a discussion topic that contains these two elements: 1. Identify a real or hypothetical example of where a GIS professional is faced with an ethical decision. You can consider an example from your own experience, an example from the readings, or create a hypothetical scenario. Try to come up with a scenario where […]

How do you plan on investing their funds – why? How often will you review the Plan

Finance Management: Personal Budget Report Part 2 B: (must be completed in Excel) – Scenario Analysis:  Run at least 3 different scenarios to see the impact of decisions.  Some examples may include: What happens if you delay start of Savings for 5 years? What happens if you work 3 more years? What if the interest […]

How does scenario planning at DuPont offer an example of a company becoming outward looking in managing supply chain risk?

SCMG/wk5/Risk Management Frameworks Several elements are required of successful ERM systems.Choose and summarize two of these elements. Could one of these be more important than another? 10 offers examples of probabilistic modeling. How does scenario planning at DuPont offer an example of a company becoming outward looking in managing supply chain risk?

Write a 700- to 1,050-word analysis outlining the potential drawbacks of using punishment in this situation.

Assignment Content Punishment is used to decrease the chances of a behavior continuing. It can be used by adding something undesirable or taking away something desirable. It is important to be careful when using punishment to modify behavior; there may be drawbacks to certain types of punishment. In this assignment, you will explore those drawbacks […]

Describe the marketing research efforts that should be conducted before establishing a strategic direction.

Draft a memo to the CMO outlining the marketing research efforts and their alignment with the vision, mission, and values of the organization in the course scenario. You must share two marketing strategies as well. Describe the marketing research efforts that should be conducted before establishing a strategic direction. Consider the following: What market demographics […]

What are the alternative courses of action in 1?-discuss the pros and cons of each possible course of action.

Debate this: Minors Gambling 1)Debate the following: Are the parents liable for minor children’s debt? 2)Evaluate who are the stakeholders in this scenario for 1 3)What are the alternative courses of action in 1?discuss the pros and cons of each possible course of action. Make sure you include how the stakeholders will be impacted by […]