Briefly explain what the National Academy of Medicine (old Institute of Medicine) is about, and why they developed the five core competencies.

Issues paper The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate a current professional nursing issue. The students will write up a short paper to discuss the IOM core competency that was utilized and the goal of the scenario. Structure of assignment/paper: • Identify a professional nursing issue, one that you have seen, been involved in […]

Brief background on the Critical Infrastructure as it relates to National Security Elaborate on the known Risks/Threats/Hazards/Vulnerabilities from the Hypothetical Threat

Scenario: River is enjoying working in the section and asked you to provide some more information on the critical infrastructures you two have been talking about. You already had a good discussion on three more of the critical infrastructures. Determine the ones from your most recent three discussions that you did not discuss yet. Determine […]

Explain how you would respond to the scenario as an advanced practice nurse using evidence-based practice guidelines and applying ethical considerations.

Lab Assignment: Ethical Concerns Write a detailed one-page narrative (not a formal paper) explaining the health assessment information required for a diagnosis of your selected patient (include the scenario number). Explain how you would respond to the scenario as an advanced practice nurse using evidence-based practice guidelines and applying ethical considerations. Justify your response using […]

Do you think about how you encounter different cultures in your everyday life?

Cultural Humility Cultural humility is not only a concept apropos to overseas missions. It happens increasingly as our communities grow more diverse over time. A good way to think about cultural humility is in the context of your day to day. Do you think about how you encounter different cultures in your everyday life? Perhaps […]

Identify how would you inform your client of his or her rights based on the scenario you created?

Informed Consent the meaning and importance of informed consent. Include a court case in which informed consent was breached and/or other informed consent issues occurred. You may use the examples in the book or research different one a fictional scenario of a client/client issue. State the fictional client’s name, background, issues, and their age. identify […]

Explain how the biases could have been overcome to improve the decision.

Heuristics In this unit, you learned about the different biases in decision-making. For this assignment, you will compose an essay that examines these biases. In your essay, briefly describe each of the three general heuristics covered in Chapter 3 in the textbook. Then, pick one or more of the three heuristics, and describe an original […]

Explain a time when you worked in a group that faced challenges with members not demonstrating mutual respect toward others.

The Unit 9 Assignment. You will analyze professional communication in a team scenario and create a written script. Keep in mind the concepts of effective communication in teams as you review the scenario and prepare your script. What is a script, and how do write one? You then will have the content to read and […]

What is the value of having an ethics program and what are the responsibilities of front line readers/supervisors and the workers when they face dilemmas such as the one described?

ETHICAL DECISION MAKING IN DIFFICULT SITUATIONSEthical Decisions in the WorkplaceAfter reading your background readings, please review the following scenarioand address the questions at the end.Jerry Stevens heads up an excavation crew for the municipal utilities district in acity in Nebraska. A sewer line needs to be replaced and it has been excavatedwith a back-hoe. The […]

Discuss the significance in establishing strong internal, external relationships to meet security operational objectives

Description Scenario: You are the Corporate Security Director for a Fortune 500 company and a recognized leader in the security profession. You accept an invitation to speak at the ASIS International Seminar and Exhibits about the various security operational and other challenges with which organizations are confronted in protecting assets and possible solutions. Because of […]

Describe the chosen theory, research, and practice guideline or standard. Explain the relationship between the three, and discuss the role each plays in quality patient care in the scenario.

Write a minimum of 525- to 700-word narrative explanation of your visual representation following the diagram. Describe the chosen theory, research, and practice guideline or standard. Explain the relationship between the three, and discuss the role each plays in quality patient care in the scenario. Explain any gaps, such as a lack of research, no […]