Discuss the placement of apparatus to include the variations between offensive and defensive mode of operation and the consideration of utilizing master streams.

Overview Submit a picture or pictures of an occupancy from your community. Provide an overview of the building including the information from the COAL WAS WEALTH process, a basic description of the building construction, and how heat transfer would apply to this building. Choose three options from the strategies discussed in the textbook or unit […]

What was your favorite line from this piece? Why?

Peer review Choose essays with the fewest number of posts to respond to. That way, you will help ensure everyone gets feedback. What works well in this single story discussion and personal narrative? Give the writer a compliment! 1.Summarize the single story that this writer was addressing in his/her essay. 2.Comment on how the writer […]

Write a scene in which a character tries to fulfill a desire

Topic: Creating a scene Writing Homework: Three short story scenes (3-6 pgs total). Write a scene in which a character is afraid Write a scene in which a character tries to fulfill a desire Write a scene in which a character is accused of shoplifting Upload your assignment as a word doc where you see […]

What is genre subversion? In what ways did Psycho subvert the horror genre in 1960?Discuss

Answer the following questions using complete sentences in paragraph from, using proper spelling, grammar, and conventions. You’re expected to mostly fill the space provided, and you must provide evidence from the film to support your claims. 1. What is genre subversion? In what ways did Psycho subvert the horror genre in 1960? (2 points) 2. […]

How does Eliot make the transition from scene to scene? Does there seem to be one speaker or two? How do we make a sense of meaning out of the rush of words?

Choose one of the five parts of The Waste Land and define the function of two of the three techniques discussed in this lesson in Eliot (fragmentation, juxtaposition, allusion). How does Eliot make the transition from scene to scene? Does there seem to be one speaker or two? How do we make a sense of […]

Based on your own reading of the scene and the play as a whole;why does Branaugh make the theatrical choices he does?

This paper is based of off Kenneth Branaugh’s movie Henry V. Please explicate Kenneth Branaugh’s dramatic interpretation of the play’s opening. I am referring not to the prologue with Derek Jacobi standing alone, but to the first scene involving the churchmen and, in particular, the presentation of their “legal” findings to Henry and his men […]

Who is speaking? Where does this particular scene take place (setting)? Explain the character’s thoughts, motives, and actions (i.e. What does the person mean?).

1. Choose SIX (6) passages or quotes.  Be sure to include TWO (2) entries for the beginning, TWO (2) for the middle, and TWO (2) for the end. 2. Copy each passage or quote on blank white paper and write the page number. On that same blank page, select and respond to at least ONE […]

Describe a scene between people. If important, feel free to write about buildings, topography, landscapes, characters that support your adjective.

Some tips: • Do not choose a state or city. Instead, focus on a neighborhood or area that best represents your adjective/thesis. • Don’t write an essay that contains only descriptions but no organizing main idea. • Make a paragraph about one example of your thesis. Then, move onto the next paragraph with a new […]

etermine if the charges are justified according to the statutes, and if so, defend them based on the facts as we know them. If not justified, argue such and investigate what charges would be appropriate.

You are to research at least three different sources (documenting each according to APA or similar standards) regarding the arrest and death of Mr. George Floyd of Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 25, 2020. You must articulate the crime scene as you see it (use the videos) and what you observe each of the officers and […]