Write a brief essay to the scholarship committee in which you share an important event in your life that significantly changed you, your view about life, your life goals, or your character for the better.

I dont know?! You and nine peers have been selected to apply for an important college scholarship. Only one student will be awarded the scholarship. You have been asked to write a brief essay to the scholarship committee in which you share an important event in your life that significantly changed you, your view about […]

What did you do to overcome an academic or athletic challenge and what were the results? (Character Limit: 1000)

Scholarship We know that you work incredibly hard, go to great lengths to excel on and off the field – but why? Where does your hunger to succeed come from? (Character Limit: 1000) What did you do to overcome an academic or athletic challenge and what were the results? (Character Limit: 1000) Tell us about […]

Give your reasons for applying for the Scholarship at the University of ZZZ and state how it best meets your objectives and why you should be awarded for your programme of study(Masters in GIS/Geographic Information Systems) (awards are based on academic merit and financial considerations are not taken into account).

1. Please give your reasons for applying for the Scholarship at the University of ZZZ and state how it best meets your objectives and why you should be awarded for your programme of study(Masters in GIS/Geographic Information Systems) (awards are based on academic merit and financial considerations are not taken into account). (Maximum 2,500 characters […]

Explore various ways of disseminating scholarship through professional podium presentations at a national conference

Explore various ways of disseminating scholarship through professional podium presentations at a national conference. Discuss what you learned about the presentation from your readings this week. How will you incorporate what you learned about best practices for PowerPoint and professional presentations in your Project Implementation Presentation assignment and future presentations