Describe your high school and reflect upon the opportunities you had/have.

The Tale of Two Schools View the following clip: The Tale of Two Schools Reflect on your life and think about your education–high school. Create a title for your blog entry and share the following: Your thoughts about the difference between these two schools and what does this mean when it comes opportunities and social […]

Prepare a statement (250 word min.) of your future goals and how your past and present education and school/community activities will help you make an impact on society in the future.

Scholarships Prepare a statement (250 word min.) of your future goals and how your past and present education and school/community activities will help you make an impact on society in the future.

Provide a written statement to support your qualifications for a merit-based Scholarship in 250 words or less.

Fellowship paper Fellowship: Would you like to be considered for fellowships/Scholarships? Provide a written statement to support your qualifications for a merit-based Scholarship in 250 words or less. In accordance with our mission, those who receive fellowships/scholarships commit to actively engage in the community during their time at Notre Dame. This may include volunteering in […]

Give your reasons for applying for the Scholarship at the University of ZZZ and state how it best meets your objectives and why you should be awarded for your programme of study(Masters in GIS/Geographic Information Systems) (awards are based on academic merit and financial considerations are not taken into account).

1. Please give your reasons for applying for the Scholarship at the University of ZZZ and state how it best meets your objectives and why you should be awarded for your programme of study(Masters in GIS/Geographic Information Systems) (awards are based on academic merit and financial considerations are not taken into account). (Maximum 2,500 characters […]