Why do you want to become a nurse? What have you done in the past that changed the lives of others? What adjustments will you do to your current routine that will help you dedicate time to school?

Essay Instruction This essay is a crucial part of your application; please spend some time to think and write your essay according to the instructions below. Please write an essay that answers the following questions: Why do you want to become a nurse? What have you done in the past that changed the lives of […]

Design a research-based pamphlet that would quickly inform the other teachers at your school of the materials covered in Week 2 by using a brochure template from the template link located in this week’s resources or another source of similar pamphlet templates.

You have explored the importance of proficiency-based instruction for ELL students, including proficiency levels, the relationship between curriculum, instruction, and assessment, BICS/CALP, various types of ELL students in schools, and examples of student dialogue and student writing. Imagine that the principal at your school has asked you to create a pamphlet for the other teachers […]

Discuss the benefits and the drawbacks of high stakes testing for students, families, districts and teachers.

Topic: Testing: Where does it start? Where does it end? Paper details: Since the No Child Left Behind Act was implemented under the Bush administration, there has been much attention drawn to High Stakes Testing. While accountability is a positive attribute to education, the topic is much more complicated than it seems. Today, the focus […]

What programs and practices should be adopted for students to have a successful transition into school?Discuss

What programs and practices should be adopted for students to have a successful transition into school? How can the school culture be shaped to help the students start school with a positive attitude? How can teachers, students, and guardians collaborate to ensure a good start to school? Literature Review

Discuss Is there a relationship between school leadership and student academic achievement as measured by standardized test and graduation rates?

This research study will seek to address the following research question: “Is there a relationship between school leadership and student academic achievement as measured by standardized test and graduation rates?” Please address the following two questions: 1. Data Collection – describe the methodology chosen to address the research question. 2. Data Analysis – describe three […]

Discuss all the hurdles that parents must go through to maintain their status in the school.

Write a critical essay using the author’s words in the attached readings to either support or contradict what the author writes. You will provide three or more quotations to support the thesis statement. For example: Using the Charter School’s Lottery chapter previously read in class,, your thesis statement could be: Despite the fact that the […]

Discuss Assuming that there is no limit on student body size, how would a school that was originally thought to be better compare with the other school(s) in equilibrium?

Consider a school choice program in which each student (or the parents of each student) can choose the school that he or she will attend. Assuming that there is no limit on student body size, how would a school that was originally thought to be better compare with the other school(s) in equilibrium?

Provide strategies that connect to the classroom and identify methods to reduce cross-cultural barriers between the students, the parents, and the school. Discuss how you will share your information with various stakeholders in the community.

Go to: The Office of Language Acquisition 2. Download a copy of the English Learner Toolkit 3. Review the content Assignment: Your principal has asked you to prepare a resource in the form of a two-page flyer for parents of English Language Learners. This flyer will be posted to your school’s website to guide parents […]

Explain high cost of college tuition, how has tuition cost changed within the last decade, how has paying for school tuition affected families

Topic: high cost of college tuition, how has tuition cost changed within the last decade, how has paying for school tuition affected families Paper details: APA citation(3 sources)write effective thesis statements, must be 3rd person, formal college level essay, paragraphs using topic sentences, detail, supporting evidence, and transition. Show research methods for sources. quote, prarphrase, […]

What are your thoughts about how to teach the Holocaust across different academic disciplines? What must you, as a current or future teacher, do when you witness an anti-Semitic incident (or any racist, sexist, heterosexist, able-ist, or otherwise demeaning/bullying incident) in your classroom or school?

After reading the Yad Vashem accounts of educators during the Holocaust, what lessons do you take away that can be applied to teachers of today and the future? After reading the Pew Trust report, what are your thoughts about how to teach the Holocaust across different academic disciplines? What must you, as a current or […]