Explain how the 3–5 goals relate to the school’s vision. Express both how community members are meaningfully involved in the needs assessment process as well as how the results of the needs assessment will be communicated to all stakeholders.

IMPROVEMENT PLAN: PART 2 – DATA ANALYSIS AND GOALS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Complete the following steps for this assignment. Because you will be analyzing various data reports, you most likely will need to submit multiple documents/links into Canvas when you submit it. Ensure you submit all necessary documents before actually submitting the assignment to Canvas. (For […]

What strategies will you use to facilitate school and postsecondary transitions for all students?

Apply developmentally appropriate approaches to college and career counseling while meeting with three of your high school students for individual planning. Listen carefully to your students and enter all relevant information on each Individual Transition and Planning Form. Be certain to fully complete the top Academic Planning portion of the form based on what you […]

Evaluate the statement, commenting on its strengths and weaknesses.

IMPROVEMENT PLAN: PART 1 – VISION ANALYSIS AND REVISION PROCESS ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Using a Word document, complete the following steps in current APA format and submit the assignment in Canvas. This assignment will also be copied and pasted into LiveText for the School Improvement Plan assignment. There are two types of assignments: K-12 School Improvement […]

How would you describe your racial category? Is race any different from ethnic background, in your opinion? How, if so?

This essay is an interview of someone you know; preferably a parent, step parent, grandparent, an in-law, or an aunt or uncle.  You may interview another family member or a friend, but it should be someone at least ten years older than you are.  The purpose of this essay assignment is for you to get a real world look at the […]

The Erie Canal has been called America’s first school of engineering. How successful do you think it was as a “school”? What would you identify as its major strengths as a school? What would you identify as its most significant limitations as a school?

Option 1: In the field of engineering in which you work (or are training to work), identify at least three characteristics of the French and British engineering traditions that remain applicable today and, in each case, state why. If you are not planning to be an engineer, choose a field of engineering to discuss that […]

Describe either a difficult school experience or a positive school experience, and explain how that experience impacted you. How will those experiences influence your work with teachers, children, and families within a school setting?

Discuss how those experiences will impact your work with teachers, administrators, children, and families as a social worker in a school setting. reflect on your experiences: What type of school did you attend (public, private, boarding, homeschool, etc.)? How did that influence your current feelings about school placements? How will your experience of public/private/boarding/homeschooling influence […]

Discuss:How reading a lot allows you to do better in school,Why some people find it hard to sit still?

Write an informative essay that will leave your reader understanding the finer points of this issue, understanding confusing data or claims made by others, and generally inform. Include an introduction, cited material from outside sources to help explain the topic and a conclusion. Include transitions that move the paper froward and link ideas clearly. Include […]