What are scientific reasoning and the scientific method and what is the role of experiment and observation?

Logical and Critical Reasoning Some sample ideas to consider incorporating in your theme. use these as inspiration remember, the aim is to explore a topic of your choosing – these are suggestions to help you choose a topic, but remember not to answer these questions. Come up with your own original theme/topic: What is the […]

Describe the procedures you would use to test the hypothesis.

Consider your FPD project in answering these questions. Refer to pp. 12-13 in the lab manual. Name of your product and category What is one problem or question you have about your product? State a hypothesis to address the problem . Procedure: Describe the procedures you would use to test the hypothesis. Identify the independent  […]

How will this information help you collaborate with your classmates and influence your success in this class?

Psychology Background Assignment Reflecting on ourselves and our environments is a healthy and adaptive practice and should be undertaken with gentleness and openness to diverse ways of thinking. Reflect on the details about your personality assessment and how it relates to the subjective nature of common sense. In which areas were your results spot on […]

how are you satisfied with your performance on this module-Why-In part two, read a scientific article posted

assign writer from order 758010 Choose and read one of the two articles attach. Reflection assignment. Here are the general requirements: This assignment includes two parts. In part one, answer the following two questions. (1) how many hours did you spend on this module? (2) how are you satisfied with your performance on this module? […]

Discuss and offer examples of both the positive and negative implications of group conformity.

Choose 3 of the following writing prompts to complete (choose any 3 you wish). refer to the course syllabus for due dates for each. You will submit each assignment on D2L. For each prompt, write a 1-2 page response (minimum of 1 page and a maximum of 2 pages). Your response should be double-spaced, using […]

consider some of the lenses through which experts view “happiness” (spiritual, scientific, philosophical), ways to achieve happiness, some of the obstacles to achieving happiness, and perhaps even what happiness is not.

Topic: Happiness argument essay In a multi-paragraph essay (1500-1600 words including a Works Cited page in MLA format) define “happiness.” Be sure to formulate a focused, controlling and specific argument, supported with examples from at least three texts we have read and discussed in class. In your examination of “happiness,” you may want to consider […]

What is your experimental setup for the top choice chamber?

Applying Scientific Method Lab Report – Applying Scientific Method – Pillbug Preference What is your hypothesis for this experiment? The hypothesis is that if pill bugs are attracted to cornstarch, they will congregate in the area with the cornstarch. What is your strategy? The strategy of this experiment is to put 5-5 pill bugs in […]

How did they use the literature to support the statements made-Do you agree with the argument and your colleague’s choice of the greatest challenges?

Treatment Overview Over the course of the past weeks, we have considered the use of medications in the treatment of various psychological disorders. This discussion will provide you with an opportunity to give an informed appraisal on the use of drugs to treat disorders and defend your stance based on your judgment of the literature. […]

How To Write Scientific Names of Organisms Where you observed your organism (country, state, park, zoo, etc.)

Week PPT Intro The common and scientific name of your organism.See this link to help with scientific names if needed: How To Write Scientific Names of Organisms Where you observed your organism (country, state, park, zoo, etc.) A brief discussion on why you chose your organism If possible, a picture and/or video of you safely […]