Identify one area of opportunity where you believe data is under-utilized and would make a difference

Week 8: Discussion Question – Student Success Scientists Discussion Prompt Mark Milliron, an executive at Civitas, an organization that uses big data to understand educational problems, noted that each of us should strive to be a Student Success Scientist by using data to ensure that students are well-served in all facets of our programs. One […]

Explain how political perspectives used in medical sociology are linked to patterns of health providing an example of one factor that influences health chances

Poverty and Health Describe two sociological approaches to poverty and health AC 11.2: Explain how Social Scientists’ research and government initiatives have provided greater insight into the link between poverty and health AC 21.1: Explain how political perspectives used in medical sociology are linked to patterns of health providing an example of one factor that […]

Explain whether you think one can speak of information in this manner.

Critical debates Scientists and engineers in the 1940s and 1950s worked to develop a general concept of “information” applicable across media and historical contexts. Explain whether you think one can speak of information in this manner. If you like, you may discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to studying information, when it is […]

What kind of cultural messages do we send to children by the way different professions are portrayed in the media, books, movies, and television?

What We Learn From 50 Years of Kids Drawing Scientists and Understanding Why Girls Underperform at Science When you picture a scientist, what does that person look like? When you were a child, how did you picture scientists? What role does gender stereotyping play in the tendency for girls to grow up to be scientists? […]

What does it mean about relations between the federal government and local governments?

week 1 Answer the following questions. 250 total together min. 1) What established the system of checks and balances? Who are the players? What happens if the system breaks down? 2) Some political scientists say, “Local governments are the creatures of the states.” What does this mean? What does it mean about relations between the […]

Describe how specific characteristics of certain seismic waves can inform scientists about the features of earth’s interior that they cannot see for themselves?

True or False: Climate change and warming average global temperatures will result in glacial retreat?  Explain your answer using the glacial budget. Some continental crust rocks are almost 4.2 billion years old. Meanwhile, the oldest seafloor rocks are only about 180 million years old. Why do we not find older seafloor rocks? Is melt all […]