State the issue and discuss its importance as a critical, ongoing, or an emerging issue (Marx, 2006, p. 66)

Tools of scanning Marx (2006, Chapters 5 & 6), and Fullan and Scott (2009, Chapter 4) present a variety of tools for scanning the institutional environment to determine how an issue may affect a college or university over time. Review these tools and choose at least two that would be appropriate for you to use […]

Calculate the difference in CLV using the spreadsheet data compiled by Boulogne and Scott in Exhibit 8.

Calculate the difference in CLV using the spreadsheet data compiled by Boulogne and Scott in Exhibit 8. If you opt to use the simplified formula shared by the professor, assume that the first contributions from customers acquired would occur in the next, rather than the current reporting period. As discussed in class, the professor’s recommended […]

Why is it important to incorporate security throughout the SDLC instead of just in one phase or another?Discuss.

Why is it important to incorporate security throughout the SDLC instead of just in one phase or another?Discuss. What role do DevSecOps and Continuous Delivery/Continuous integration play? B) Part 1A. Explain in your own words what the DIKW Pyramid means to you. Part 1. Mrs. Beasley would like you to briefly explain the secure design […]