How does the magazine describe its approach and their specific readership-Explain what additional information you know about your audience.

Researched Argument for Change (+Post-Script) For this essay, you will use your annotated bibliography work (and likely some additional research) to write an article for a national publication in which you take an arguable stance on a specific problem or issue. For example, maybe there is a need for consensus that the problem must be […]

Identify the relevant information, and see problems, plot holes, or character flaws is not something that comes easy.

Script Analysis Good story creators are hard to find. The ability to dissect a script or story, easily identify the relevant information, and see problems, plot holes, or character flaws is not something that comes easy. That’s why it’s important, as you are in beginning this process for your project, to analyze an existing script. […]

Develop a script for a 4-5 minute entertaining speech on the topic you have selected from the template below.

COM231 Public Speaking: Plan Your Script Carefully read the purpose of the assignment, instructions, and criteria for success below before submitting your assignment. We are in the planning stages again for our third speech. As you plan your speech, remember to SHOW, don’t just TELL your audience about the events. Use sensory language to put […]

List 10 visual elements that could work in the ad.

Commercial Proposal, brainstorm visuals and sounds that can be used in your commercial script. List 10 visual elements that could work in the ad. Think about the Characteristics of a Set and the Characteristics of Costume and how to use these to communicate elements of your video. List 10 audio elements (sounds) that could work […]

Analyze the leadership roles and management skills necessary to implement a new program.

Topic: Power Point organizational Theory Change Theories Project Create a PowerPoint slide presentation (not an APA paper) for this assignment. Submit your assignment through Canvas for grading for this module. Produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout the organization. Begin by selecting one of the options provided in module one […]

Define the role the government executive leader plays in the organization.

Create a written interview script of questions and answers with a government executive leader of your choice. The interview should be realistic to identify leadership personality traits and attributes that align best with a government environment. The written paper should include a question with a detailed answer annotated in paragraph form. The interview should include […]