Will you break them up into groups and have them read scripture?

You have been hired by your local church, synagogue, or mosque to put together a night of interfaith dialogue in your community. Although your community is quite diverse, including many people of all faiths and no faith, your employers want to keep this night to just three groups: Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Your very first […]

What do you think is your most firmly held belief-The thing that really makes you who you are?

Introduction Describe the purpose of this project and include the name of the person you interviewed along with how you know the person. Establish how her worldview is different from yours. Worldview Description Reflect on the answers given regarding worldview and belief questions. In what ways do you agree with the interviewee’s worldview? In what […]

Explain the role of the doctrine of revelation in the task of doing theology.

ASSIGNMENT Respond to the following prompts. In addition to the references found in your reading assignments, you should also reference the Bible, and at least three other scholarly sources. It is important to cite your sources in order to avoid intentional or unintentional plagiarism, either of which is a violation of the University Code of […]

During this project, the student will complete four assignments using the techniques of observation, interpretation, correlation, and application.

Bible Study Project Assignment During this project, the student will complete four assignments using the techniques of observation, interpretation, correlation, and application. These are the four components of inductive Bible study outlined in Everyday Bible Study. Among other things, the student will examine a given passage of Scripture, consult various Bible study tools, and employ […]

What resources do you use when planning sermons?provide websites, commentaries, social media groups, and/or podcasts.

Topic: Preaching and the Revised Common Lectionary Research Survey for Nazarene Clergy – What is the size of your congregation?  less than 50  50-99  100 -200  200-300  over 300 How many worship services do you have per week? What is your highest level of education?  High School College Graduate School What is your gender?  Female […]

What guidelines from the lectures/McMinn Chapter 3-4 apply to this case-What would you proactively do?

The Learn material in this module discussed guidelines for the use of prayer and Scripture in your counseling. However, the course materials also suggested some “cautions” or possible negative impacts when using these spiritual interventions. Read the following case and discuss the following questions.  What would you not do in using prayer and Scripture with […]

How are the key points, concepts, strategies, lessons learned, etc. related to Biblical teachings?

Week 2 Discussion – HumanResources The original post must address EACH of the following questions in separate paragraphs: 1. After reading the article, briefly summarize the key points, concepts, strategies, lessons learned, etc. 2. What did you learn about yourself? 3. How can you apply what you learned to the course topic? 4. How are […]

What is “co-signing” a loan-What advice does the writer of Proverbs have about the wisdom of co-signing a loan?

The world of finance teaches that borrowing money can be a high-risk, high-reward option. Scripture has some passages that seem to clearly warn people to be cautious about getting into debt. Read the following Scriptures and write a thread of at least 250 words discussing what the Bible does and does not teach about debt. […]

How do Genesis 1:26-27 and 1 Peter 5:2-3 apply to this case?

Prompt: Review and respond to the three questions presented in the “The ‘People’ Focus: Human Resources at Alaska Airlines” case at the end of Chapter 10. Requirements: A 250-word minimum, APA compliant paper addressing all three questions. Regarding Question 2 – is there a biblical basis for employee empowerment? The final section is to include […]

Why is it important that Christians translate their personal Christian worldview into workplace behavior-How has Max DePree accomplished this?

Translating Faith Into Leadership Exegetical Study Content: Although Leadership is an Art, by Max DePree, has been designated a leadership book (as opposed to a theology book), it is filled with concepts for leading people from a Christian worldview. Record and consider a number of those concepts, and find Scripture passages that align with the […]