Describe in detail the “generational cohorts” according to the text-explain the different values-motivational factors between them.

Create and post an initial thread that addresses the following questions or issues: The text defines the “marketing concept” and the “4 P’s.” In your own words, explain both of these concepts, detail why both are important to a marketing plan. Define “marketing” and “sales” and explain how they are different from one another, and […]

What the passage can tell us about Christ-What the passage can teach us about how to live.

Interpretation of scripture This is straightforward. You will analyze a Bible passage which choosing the Story of (Abraham and Isaac) Biblical Novellas. You will analyze the passage five different ways: Interpretation of scripture: 1-Literal: What the passage says about past events. 2-Allegorical: What the passage can tell us about Christ. 3-Moral: What the passage can […]

What would you consider to be the most therapeutic use of Scripture with this client? Why?

Using Prayer and Scripture in Counseling The online lectures suggested some “cautions” or possible negative impacts when using prayer and Scripture in counseling. The importance of those cautions may be better understood in seeking to apply prayer and scripture with a client. Read the case study below and respond to the following: 1. What would […]

Do you think Socrates demonstrated a biblical way of thinking to some degree? Why or why not?

Session 1 Paper The paper should answer these questions: 1. What do you see as the ultimate goal of philosophy? Do you think that this goal is in line with biblical goals? Who or why not? Use scripture to defend your point. 2. Do you think Socrates demonstrated a biblical way of thinking to some […]

what percentage of the book was read in preparation for this discussion?

Humility Book Review After reading the book Humility, post an initial thread to include the follow (use separate bolded section titles or paragraphs to break up the post showing where each point is addressed): Approximately, what percentage of the book was read in preparation for this discussion? What is Murray’s central thesis in the book? […]

Give a definition of hermeneutics and then offer a discussion of the importance of  the following components in interpretation

Discussion 1. Give a definition of hermeneutics and then offer a discussion of the importance of  the following components in interpretation – the role of the author of the text, the role of the original readers of the text, or the role of the interpreter. What kind of impact does this particular participant provide on […]

Demonstrate course-related knowledge, and contain at least one Scripture reference, 2 peer-reviewed sources, pertinent examples, thoughtful analysis, and the text Professor will check for plagiarizing, so please make sure it is noon.

Description Below you will find the direction for this paper. Please read all the instructions and the topics at the top of the instruction. I also include and template of how I would like the paper to write. Read the rubric before you start writing the paper. Also, For this thread must be 300–500 words, […]

Which book did you select to read? What is the message contained within this particular scripture? Did this change how you view Islam? Why or why not?

Scripture Analysis/Short Essay 3: Students may select from one of the following books of the Quran for analysis: 19/Mary: 21/The Prophets: 29/The Spider: Which book did you select to read? What is the message contained within this particular scripture? Did this change how you view Islam? Why or why not?

How does this Old Testament narrative fit within the metanarrative of the Bible? State what type of story you believe this to be (creation, fall, redemption, or new creation) and explain why you believe this to be so.

Having read the passage in both formal and functional translation, list at least 2 similarities and 3 differences between the way both translations cover this story. You may list as many similarities and differences that you find as long as you meet the minimum amount. Similarities Differences Identify the basic elements of the story you […]