Choose an installation, sculpture, or 2-dimensional work of art.

So, for this discussion Pretend You are a city commissioner in charge of community and culture. You have been given a large budget and a designated space outside in downtown Orlando, easily visible to the public. Your assignment is to choose a work of 21st century art (from this module) to display in that space. […]

Did you enjoy this performance or did you feel that it was a waste of your time?

Visit a location where some type of art is displayed. This can be painting, sculpture, graffiti art, an installation, or anything else that might be considered “a work of art” based on descriptions from the the following and answer the following questions: Make at least one photograph of the work you will be discussing. […]

Are governments ever justified in censoring art? Why or why not?

Instructions Although social justice art is not a topic exclusive to the 20th and21st centuries, the distribution of information regardingcontroversial art with gender, race, sexual, and/or environmentalthemes has increased with the proliferation of media Choose an example of a social justice work of art from the 20th or 21st centuries from any discipline of the […]

Describe one of the cultural works they created and the medium. Mediums can include dance, literature, sculpture, visual arts, architecture, music, performance, and so forth.

This assignment explores questions about fundamental aspects of human culture and guides you to evaluate the larger human need to express. Identify a creator from the twentieth or twenty-first century who you think made an important contribution to art and culture in the form of cultural works that impacted society. Describe one of the cultural […]

How does the era of the Middle Ages (app. 400-1400 CE) reflect the Culture Epoch Theory in which society goes from chaos to adjustment to balance?

The Culture Epoch Theory Reflection How does the era of the Middle Ages (app. 400-1400 CE) reflect the Culture Epoch Theory in which society goes from chaos to adjustment to balance? Chaos is when there is no common understanding of reality for the majority of the people over a significant period of time. Adjustment is […]

Identify and include a photograph (a screenshot will do) of the work of art so that other students will know what you are writing about.

Unit 4 Discussion: Describing Art Background: In your chapter, the authors discussed different types of art based on the degree of representation (4.4). Some artists strive for idealization and others work for a realistic depiction of their subjects. Still other artists use abstraction or non-representational/non-objective styles. Artists use different types of representation in order to […]

What finished surfaces are available when select-ing chalkboards?

I. What finished surfaces are available when selecting chalkboards? 2. What is a whiteboard? 3. What are the typical ways toilet enclosures are hung? 4. What materials are used for panels on toilet enclosures? 5. What purposes do grilles serve? 6. What services are available with various service wall systems? 7. Why are access floors […]

Can you identify a link with an artist that has influenced your artist and/or artwork?

Timeline Project. Art and Identity National and personal identities do not magically happen; they are built on and influenced by immediate and past events, environments, traditions, and cultural legacies. Artists capture and document not only the physical conditions of a society but also the emotional and mental conditions. They construct a sense of who we […]