How does a medium influence art?Discuss

Write a reflection based upon this video discussing the similarities and differences of the depicted artists: Marina Abramovic; Ghada Amer; Caledonia Curry (Swoon); Kiki Smith; and Nancy Spero. Consider the following themes: Looking, moments of observing How does a medium influence art? street art/performance/woodcut/sewing/sculpture/action Ignored/embraced/destroyed home/place- fitting in/belonging Attention/fame Aging haunting Language – visual language […]

Discuss Is there a value in changing the verbiage from “monument” to “statue” for the Roosevelt monument?

1. Author Holland Cotter poses a complex discussion and solution regarding, whether or not, the monuments of our nation’s past and if they should be abolished. What does Cotter suggest the museum do with the sculpture and why? 2. We have seen many statues throughout our survey, even question sculpture similar to the Roosevelt monument. […]