What potential sources of internal secondary data and other sources of data do you think Nestle would have first investigated before considering the collection of primary data to research this product?

Question 2: Various companies have launched a new energy bar for athletes for consumption during demanding competitions. These different bars contain all sorts of ingredients supposedly to help an athlete perform better. Nestle had one a few years back and this bar contains ActiCaf, developed by the Nestle Research Center, a patented ingredient with caffeine […]

What marketing decisions will you make as a result of this study?-Include any secondary data to support the points you are making.

Advance Marketing o The research proposal should cover these topics and questions: 1. What marketing issues are you trying to address with this study? 2. Set the broad parameters of the study. 3. Describe the purpose of the study. 4. How are you going to use the research? 5. What marketing decisions will you make […]