Could the intervention be replicated in practice-Was the Intervention described in detail?

Read intervention section and conclusion section. Only use the source provided. 1 pg answering CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: What did the study conclude? What are the implications of these results for practice? What were the main limitations and/or biases in the study? Were the conclusions appropriate given study methods and results? 1/2-1pg answering INTERVENTION: Provide a […]

What might society look like in your opinion if the rights that you value most were taken away?

Second, after you have completed the first section, then do some research on your rights and share which rights you cherish most and explain why. What might society look like in your opinion if the rights that you value most were taken away? If relevant, how could society do a better job of promoting, protecting, […]

What did you learn about research, statistics, society, etc-How can you use what you learned in a practical way?

Social Problem Paper Section One: Briefly describe the social problem within the United States that you have chosen to analyze and provide your personal reasons for choosing this particular topic. Be specific about what interested you about the topic and any background you may have with the subject. Why do you want to know more […]