Write atleast one transferable skill that you acquired or refined while working on this project.

Semester project summary 1. Use MS–Word to create a document named project–summary.docx to answer the questions that follow. 2.Give a summary of your experience working on the semester project. This description should include at a minimum (i) the primary goals of the project, (ii) how your team accomplished these goals, (iii) Write atleast one transferable […]

What strengths do you bring to your team (e.g., planning, Excel, PowerPoint, communication, delivering a presentation)?

Team work The discussion this week will be with other members of your semester project team. You can use your post to introduce yourself as well as answer the questions below. If you don’t know who is in your team you can look on the People tab in Canvas. First, view this short teamworking motivational […]

Explain why the information is important and what is the desired outcome from the information.

All I need is the information in the provided document to be put in a PP. So basically I just need the information summarized from each box explaining why the information is important and what is the desired outcome from the information. An example would be like an end of the semester project. Please have […]