What are its most popular products and how it compares to other companies

Stryker Medical Device Company o Things to talk about in the slides ▪ Beginning of the company (start date, how it started, etc.) ▪ What type of company it is (public, private, etc.) and what that entails for (essentially what are the company values and how do they go about business) ▪ What are its […]

Explain in some detail how you will meet the requirements of the program and what adjustments you will have to make to meet program demands․

Chosen Option: Online/Hybrid The MSW program has a very demanding schedule with classes, seminars, and the field practicum․ Explain in some detail how you will meet the requirements of the program and what adjustments you will have to make to meet program demands․ Explain why SJSU’s MSW Program is the best place for your education․ […]

What is this seminar about?- What to present during the method seminar

Impact of national culture on entrepreneurial orientation What is this seminar about? In this seminar, we will discuss how you find a good fit between the research question you ask; the method you apply; the cases you select to study and the data you choose to collect. Presentation – What to present during the method […]

Do current procedures in know-how-skills offer potential supervisors the necessary elements to succeed?

Effective Supervision Assignment: Chapter 9 reviews training, and career development. One of the main topics in this area is supervisory training. Do current procedures in know-how and skills offer potential supervisors the necessary elements to succeed? What are the main challenges of supervision? What can seminars and the use of mentors provide for potential supervisors?