What is the connoted iconic message(s) [that is, those messages that are symbolic or beyond face value] and how does that connoted message connect to or derive from the denoted message?

Topic: Project 3: Semiotic Analysis Attempt a semiotic analysis of an advertising image (or film poster) following the model of Roland Barthes’ “Rhetoric of the Image.” The overall goal is to identify what the message of the image is and what ideas it is using to “sell” its product. In your analysis, make sure that […]

How have you researched this topic, what theoretical approaches, historical perspectives, cultural theories will you use?

Film and television analysis A clear outline of your dissertation’s argument, aims and objectives.This should be a short introductory paragraph: what is your dissertation arguing and why, what main points will you make to prove your overall argument? · A discussion of how the dissertation will be structured, chapter by chapter You need to give […]