Discuss What do YOU think makes a source “reliable?” What do you look for when deciding?

Paper details: Prompt: Sometimes, determining the reliability of a source is easy. Below is a real person’s reaction to the safety message about Pokemon Go. Its on a website called “Literally Unbelievable.” “Safety FTW: The Pokemon in Pokemon Go Will Now Scream When A Player is Within A Mile Of A Registered Sex Offender.” See […]

How is sex and gender used to promote or sell products? What are the popular stereotypes that many of these ads are appealing to? What are some of the typical ways that men and women are portrayed in the ads? What are the underlying messages being sold to us and what are the broader implications of such gendered advertisement?

Paper details: Please review the ads posted in the DQ4 files folder (Please note that these might not be suitable for viewing at your workplace!). For this discussion I would like for you to explore the issue of gender and sexuality in the media. When sexuality is used to sell a product, certain attitudes towards […]

Describe two reasons why it may be problematic to use the term “sex” to refer to the biological aspects of being male or female and “gender” to refer to the culturally constructed aspects of being male or female.

Describe two reasons why it may be problematic to use the term “sex” to refer to the biological aspects of being male or female and “gender” to refer to the culturally constructed aspects of being male or female.

Which system do you think came up with the best response (the system you used or the system your classmate used)? Explain.

READ THE MATERIAL MY name IS DeGraffenreid ,S is under (Ethics of Virtue or Ethics of Care:) only do the Materials tell you to do.. You are a homicide investigator and are interrogating someone you believe picked up a 9-year-old girl in a shopping mall and the molested and murdered the girl. He is a […]