Does posting something on social media truly represent the same caliber of commitment and action to fighting injustices compared to participating in a march or conducting a sit-in?

Students and Social Change During the 1960s and 1970s, U.S. college students oftentimes protested raising concerns over unjust social conditions in society such as racism and sexism. They would hold protests, picket, or even march on the Mall in Washington D.C. During this period of history, some social change was birthed throughout the colleges and […]

How propaganda, the power of conspiracy theories, social media and the spread of misinformation, secret societies, the struggle to determine what is “truth”

How propaganda, the power of conspiracy theories, social media and the spread of misinformation, secret societies, the struggle to determine what is “truth” and what is misinformation in our age of technology, or how misinformation is spread to perpetuate racism, sexism, homophobia.

Describe how sexism, discrimination, and family responsibilities can lead to gender inequalities in the workplace.

Gender Inequality in the Workplace Balancing work and personal responsibilities can be a challenge. Particularly for parents of young children, this can be a real challenge. Historically, much of the responsibility for home and child care has fallen on women, making it more difficult for women to move up in the workplace. For this Final […]

What does research show us about ageism? Is it more pervasive than sexism or racism-If so, why do you think so-If not, why do you think not?

1. Watch the following video and take notes: Let’s End Ageism: 2. Write your initial discussion commenting about the video. 3. Answer the following questions as you write your post: Provide examples of ageism you have seen in your own family, in your community, in the media, in your travels, and/or in your workplace. […]

Discuss some of the types of conduct orders that are noticed in middle childhood, along with the origins and treatment of these conduct disorders.

Learning Questions: Lesson 13 Tasks related to Removed: Parts 1 and 2 1. Write a strong paragraph that shares your thoughts after watching this film. Relate what you have seen in this film with other things we have learned in this class, including Dr. Nadine Burke Harris’ TED Talk regarding ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences), and […]

Discuss which issue are you most engaged and concerned- and what does it challenge in society?

Description 5-6 pages not including the title, abstract, and references pages. Must contain a compelling argument & strong thesis. The Wage GapTopic: Social Activism. In this class, we have talked about the various forms of discrimination: racism, classism, sexism, and heterosexism. Each writer we have read has engaged in some form of participatory citizenship and […]

Identify a current social issue (the COVID-19 pandemic, systemic racism, sexism, poverty, etc.), summarize and apply research related to its impacts on families, and provide recommendations for families, professionals who work with families, researchers, or policymakers. If your own personal experiences are influencing how you view the issue, be sure to discuss that as opinion—not as fact. Be sure to write in a way that makes it clear when you are paraphrasing the work of others, and do not use direct quotes.

Topic: Current Social Issue Paper details: Identify a current social issue (the COVID-19 pandemic, systemic racism, sexism, poverty, etc.), summarize and apply research related to its impacts on families, and provide recommendations for families, professionals who work with families, researchers, or policymakers. If your own personal experiences are influencing how you view the issue, be […]

What role did black girls and women play in the Montgomery Bus Boycott? In what ways were they the “backbone” of the boycott? Who were its major players/contributors (individually and collectively)?

Explore the impact of black women’s clubs in the late 19th to early/earlier-20th century. In other words, how did they challenge racism and sexism? What were their preoccupations? How did their programs and agenda help and/or hurt black women? What role did black girls and women play in the Montgomery Bus Boycott? In what ways […]