creating a Tweet in response to the question posted in the discussion board.

child sexual abuse The chapter you read this week described different forms of child abuse and neglect, including child sexual abuse. The R. Kelly case is one that is very current and has brought attention to several important issues: 1) sex trafficking, 2) child sex abuse and harassment (his victims included females and males, some […]

Describe how the occurrence of sexual abuse in an institutional setting impacts the way that it is investigated.

Discussion Board 3: Institutional Sexual Abuse Describe how the occurrence of sexual abuse in an institutional setting impacts the way that it is investigated. Pick one type of institutional setting (civic organization, school, prison, etc.). Document the allegations and investigations and results. Does the type of institution make the investigation more or less difficult?

Describe each of the theories/models you selected. For each, explain its value in helping individual(s) who have experienced or are experiencing crisis, trauma, or disaster. Be specific and provide examples to illustrate your points.

To understand effective service delivery in response to critical incidents, helping professionals must first understand theories of how individuals process crisis and models for responding to survivors. For example, being aware of the Childhood Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome can help sexual trauma practitioners conceptualize the cognitive processing of sexual abuse from the perspective of the […]