Identify in order of sequence everything that you would do up until the interview of this potential victim.  

Focus your discussion on the following: What strategy do you propose for investigating what may have occurred? Identify in order of sequence everything that you would do up until the interview of this potential victim. Explain why you would take the actions that you chose prior to the interview. Explain what your goals are for preparing the victim […]

Describe the section that you reviewed, detailing what is required by the BPD, some of the rationale (why are these specific things being asked for) and then finish up by outlining what you can find about the progress.

Criminal Justice Baltimore Police Department Begin by reviewing the introduction and one of the sections of the Baltimore Police Department (BPD) Consent Decree, either (1) Community Policing and Engagement, (2) Stops, Searches, Arrests…, (3) Impartial Policing, (4) Responding to People…in Crisis, (5) Use of Force, (6) Interactions with Youth, (7) Transportation of People in Custody, […]

Describe Army policy on Reprisal, Retaliation, Online Conduct, and Social Media.

Description Description Apply the Army’s SHARP program by defining Army sexual harassment and sexual assault policies, applying appropriate response techniques, and identifying prevention strategies in support of the SHARP Program to create a culture of Prevention in the Army. Students will have met the standard when they participate in classroom discussions, complete checks on learning, […]

Why do cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to take place in the Army, despite all the training and education that take place?Discuss

Description write a two page (maximum) essay addressing SHARP from within the Army and making recommendations on how leaders at the NCO level can implement potential solutions. Your essay should address the question, “Why do cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to take place in the Army, despite all the training and education […]

Discuss the relationship between the characteristics of the traditional college lifestyle which might lead to an enhancement of the opportunity to be victimized.

Topic: Sexual Victimization and Socio-Psychological Factors Paper details: This written assignment requirement is for a paper submitted in APA format, using 12-point font, double-spaced, and attached to the link as a .doc or .docx file. Your assignment must include an introduction, body, and conclusion, and it is anticipated that a thorough examination of this topic […]

Examine various programs and criminal justice efforts currently in place to deal with this issue and some of the measures the Catholic Church has instituted in the wake of these sexual assault/rapes of minors.

This assignment will be worth a total of 100pts of your final grade for this course. For this assignment, each student will assume the role of researcher on the topic of our local and national news story involving the sexual abuse and assaults of minor victims by clergy and laypersons of the Catholic Church. Students […]