What do you think has recently created an environment where victims feel safe bringing their experiences forward?

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace For this assignment, research the topic of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace. Provide a definition of sexual harassment and the various forms recognized in the law. Provide a brief history of the concept of sexual harassment. Identify state and federal laws that apply to sexual harassment in the workplace. Identify […]

Explain the social reasons people get involved in nude dancing

Sexual harassment 9.1 Analyze social conflicts about teen sex in the United States 9.2 Explain how social factors influence extramarital sex 9.3 Describe the social profile of swingers 9.4 Analyze the conflicting findings on the effects of pornography 9.5 Characterize typical phone sex callers 9.6 Explain the social reasons people get involved in nude dancing […]

What ways do victims contribute to the crime

For this paper, you will choose a specific type of crime (such as identity theft, domestic violence, rape, sexual harassment, etc.). You will then investigate (a) who are the victims of this crime, (b) how prevalent is this crime, (c) what are the causes of this crime, (d) in what ways do victims contribute to […]

Why do cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to take place in the Army, despite all the training and education that take place?

Topic: Sexual harassment and sexual assault in the Army Essay should address the question, “Why do cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault continue to take place in the Army, despite all the training and education that take place?”  

What are the possible ramifications of this case for the entire organization?

Topic: CASE STUDY ON ETHICS USING THE READING AND CASE STUDY POSTED This week your reflection should focus on the ethics of dissent: managing guerrilla government Text and the posted case study “Sexual Harassment,” but feel free to use earlier readings and outside sources. Read the case study and the assigned reading and determine what […]

What steps should the company take to prevent sexual harassment from occurring in the future?

The Storage Room Massage: A Case of Sexual Harassment? Background  Standard Value & Gauge Company manufactures safety relief valves, pressure gauges, thermometers, testing instruments, and spring disks. The company has three small plants scattered throughout the Southeast. Each plant employs approximately 325 workers. Personnel operations are generally centralized at corporate headquarters located in Atlanta, Georgia. […]

Does the conduct constitute sexual harassment? Explain.

Michelle Vinson was an employee of Meritor Savings Bank for approximately four years. Beginning as a teller-trainee, she ultimately advanced to the position of assistant branch manager. Her promotions were based solely upon merit. Sidney Taylor, a vice president of the bank and manager of the branch office in which Vinson worked, was Vinson’s supervisor […]

What happens when an employee reports an incident of sexual harassment or discrimination?

Organizational Challenge 1.Two research questions are: What training or materials covered the legal definition of sexual harassment & discrimination? What happens when an employee reports an incident of sexual harassment or discrimination? 2. The 1st attachment are the instructions that you will need to follow. 3. The 2nd attachment is my annotated bibliography. Make sure […]

Discuss on the contemporary Army issue facing the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention (SHARP) program within their organizations.

You will prepare an original PEE on the contemporary Army issue facing the Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention (SHARP) program within their organizations. In your essay, explain two recommendations that might improve the effectiveness of your unit’s SHARP. In doing so, use your experience and at least three references to support your proposals. This paper must […]

Compare and contrast the pedagogical and andragogical approaches to instruction and learning

Suppose the senior supervisor or manager of your organization asks you to design a program to increase employee awareness of sexual harassment and train your employees in the appropriate way(s) to deal with harassment complaints. Which principles (from either approach) do you feel might be useful? Support your choices.