What professional organizations are available as a resource for providers caring for people affected by your topic of choice?

Step 1: Pick one of the following topics that interests, angers or excites you: Sexual orientation- Step 2: Find a current event, popular television show or social or news media outlet that correlates with the article topic of your choice. Use a source like Time magazine, USA Today, any Newspaper or News Outlet, CNN, FOX, […]

Briefly describe a current social work practice you are interested in and why you are particularly interested in these areas.

Why do you feel a career in social work is a good fit for you?include responses to the list below: How your interest in social work developed? How your interest in social work and social work education is influenced by your social identity (i.e., your gender, race, class, ability, sexual orientation, place of origin or […]

Identify three actions a human service professional can take when faced with inequalities within a social problem.

Exploring Inequality Within a Social Problem When examining the social problems that affect different populations, you will notice that instances of inequality are usually entwined within these social problems. In chapter 8 of your text, Henslin describes how prejudice, discrimination, and racial-ethnic violence are an unfortunate fact of life. As an advocate in the human […]

How might this be challenging for society, both those who do not fit the gender binary and those who do?

What are some examples of how society assumes everyone is part of the gender binary (male or female)? How might this be challenging for society, both those who do not fit the gender binary and those who do? or There are several theories which are used to explain human sexual orientation. Discuss why you think […]

Consider how you, as a social worker, would engage members of the community to support your advocacy efforts.

When you are engaging communities, it is important to understand the nongeographical factors within the community (e.g., professional, spiritual,ethnic , racial, sexual orientation). For this assignment, build on last week’s work to explain how you will engage a specific community. Assume you have been asked to describe your community to a new potential employer (e.g., […]

How their condition, race, gender, etc. effected and shaped who they are.

Seek out someone who is “new” to you and whose life experience has been different from yours. If you have always lived in a rural setting, you might request an interview with a person from a metropolitan area. If you have never had much contact with older adults, or persons with disabling conditions, and don’t […]

Provide the name of the film or show, and the episode title or number (for a TV show) or air date (for news or talk show), and provide a very brief summary of the plot/setting of the story.

WATCH 30-60 minutes of popular media content of your choosing that illustrates an example of social inequality based on race, ethnicity, gender, or social class (the book touched briefly on inequality based on sexual orientation and gender identity, so you are welcome to include those areas as well). READ Chapter 7 of the textbook, then […]

Discuss the process of differential diagnosis and how would you distinguish between these disorders and the disorder that you have selected during an assessment.

This assignment should be typed and double-spaced, with one-inch margins. It is to be no more than 10 pages, with a 12-point font size. The 10-page length requirement does not include the title page or reference page, but it does include both parts of the assignment outlined below. This paper requires that you include a […]

Discuss the steps organizational managers and supervisors can take to identify and control prejudicial conduct by employees, to include methods for defusing conflicts related to issues of gender, sexual orientation, race, and ethnicity.

Discuss the steps organizational managers and supervisors can take to identify and control prejudicial conduct by employees, to include methods for defusing conflicts related to issues of gender, sexual orientation, race, and ethnicity.

What are the implications of these theories for the treatment of the disorder?

In your paper, you must address the following (also review the rubric for more specific expectations): Specify the diagnostic criteria of the clinical disorder you have selected. Identify two conditions that share similar signs and symptoms to this disorder. Discuss the process of differential diagnosis and how would you distinguish between these disorders and the […]