Using the strategy, creating healthy public policy discuss the importance of working with the identified sector and a specific intervention to demonstrate the health promotion strategy. Include the rationale for this intervention. Support the discussion with evidence.

Case Study: Teenage Pregnancy Adolescence is a time when young people begin to develop greater autonomy and a stronger sense of who they are. It is also period of risk-taking behaviours such as alcohol and substance misuse, smoking, vaping and unprotected sexual activity. Risky sexual behaviours contribute to increased rates of STIs, and unplanned pregnancies. […]

Describe the ethical and legal issues presented in this case.

Read the section of the text on “Protect Patients and Staff from Sexual Harassment Assault” and the Case Study “Sexual Assault in the Recovery Room” on page 235 and address the following: Please see uploaded material for the reading. 1. Describe the ethical and legal issues presented in this case. 2. Describe how the physician’s […]

Why does child sexual exploitation happen?Discuss

Critical literature review dissertation. Please find the topic and all the instructions in the materials. 1, The dissertation is about A CRITICAL LITERATURE REVIEW.( it is based on analysis and more on other people’work/research). 2, My chosen area is “IMPACT OF MULTI-AGENCY WORKING ON SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE. 3, Within the multi-agency working, I […]

How do religion and the hook up culture clash, specifically pertaining to abstinence only sexual education?Explain,

Please watch the speech given by Donna Freitas concerning the “Hook Up Culture.” Then, respond to the following 5 questions: 1. What are the main features of the hook up culture, and what does hooking up entail? 2. What perception do most college students have about their peers and this phenomenon? 3. According to Freitas, […]

What do you believe is the strongest influence on an individuals sexual orientation? Explain your reasoning.

1, Sexual orientation origins remain unknown according to social and biological researchers. What do you believe is the strongest influence on an individuals sexual orientation? Explain your reasoning. 2, Over the past half century public attitudes toward sexual orientation has become more tolerant. Provide an example of this social change and explain why you think […]

What is sexual harassment? What are the different forms it can occur in? Does it occur in out military? Explain?? What are some reasons employees do not speak out?

This research assignment is on Sexual Harassment vs. Employment: (Should employees speak out) It must be typed, double spaced, and not less than four body-typed pages. Must include a cover page and a reference page with 3 references. What is sexual harassment? What are the different forms it can occur in? Does it occur in […]

What examples of gender stereotyping did you notice in the film/show? Did you find gender stereotyping to be more pronounced in the depictions of male or female characters? How were the main characters portrayed? Were minor characters portrayed differently?

Movies/TV Show: For this assignment you will need to watch a movie or TV show of your choice. The criteria of the movie/show must be that there is at least one male and one female character and there is interaction between them. They don’t have to be human! Be sure to indicate the title of […]

How might one gather a representative sample of illicit drug use or private sexual conduct? How might doing so be different from gathering data about bird behavior or human residential patterns? Explain

1. Explain how each of these arguments is an example of the neglected common cause or cum hoc fallacy: a. Since we instituted this policy prohibiting drug X, drug X use in our nation has dropped 20% per year. This shows that the policy is effective. b. Every time it storms, the barometer drops. Storms […]

Choose one of the following research proposals, and discuss what the ethical implications of each might be, in terms of conducting research, by referring to this document and to your readings.

Read RCCIT. (2017). Section 12: Research ethics board. In Bachelor of interior design – BID student handbook. Choose one of the following research proposals, and discuss what the ethical implications of each might be, in terms of conducting research, by referring to this document and to your readings. 1. You are proposing research to observe […]

What should Sexual Education in US public schools look like? Should it be required; why or why not?

In 3 to 4 pages,(not including required reference page) you will provide a well-written and organized paper that outlines your answer. You should support your answers with data from scholarly sources (3 scholarly sources are required. The dictionary and Wikipedia do not count towards the scholarly resource requirement for this assignment. You must answer the […]