Discuss how this group experiences barriers to care as it relates to their gender and/or sexuality.

Discussion : Sexuality and Gender in Healthcare Discussion post: First, briefly describe the difference between gender and sexuality and why it is important to not make assumptions regarding either. Next, choose a group of individuals that belong to the LGBTQIA+ population (for example, transgender males). Discuss how this group experiences barriers to care as it […]

How does this approach to history inform your understanding and analysis of current social justice issues today?

 Question Question/Prompt: Demonstrate your developing critical thinking skills by identifying and discussing systems and institutions of oppression and their impact on targeted groups based on race, class, gender/sexuality and/or ethnicity during the covered time period in California history. Compare and contrast and discuss the intersections of varied historical experiences. Compare and contrast how the various […]

Explain your understanding of the difference between sex, gender, and sexuality.

This week you read about the social constructions of sex, gender, and sexuality. Using either the readings or, Ted Talk video by Dr. Davis,  explain your understanding of the difference between sex, gender, and sexuality. Your response should be grounded in a sociological understanding, not your opinion. There is a “correct” sociological answer here.  

What would you do if you found out that one of your friends disclosed they were transgender?

Human Sexuality Psychology Based on what you learned about gender roles this week: What would you do if you found out that one of your friends disclosed they were transgender? Would you feel different if the one disclosing was one of your children?respond with 300 words 150 words for each question  

How do the themes of race, gender, sexuality, nation and/or colonialism that we have been discussing appear in this film?

Animation Write at least ONE short essay on films of your choice. In Focus 1 will look at animated films, and In Focus 2 will analyze blockbuster/franchise films. For each short (1000 word minimum) essay, you will choose a film within the assigned genre and analyze its cinematic form and content using the skills in […]

Provide insight into how you developed gender schemas from childhood, into adolescence, and then into adulthood.

Gender schema indicates that we are influenced by society’s ideas about what it means to be a male or female in the culture(s) in which we are a part of. Thus, it can be thought of as an organized set of gender-related beliefs that influence behavior. Gender schemas help determine—from childhood into adulthood— what activities […]

How would you defend the truth of this lesson from those who disagree and believe the lesson is not important?

“Sexual arousal is contingent upon the way your brain perceives a given sexual stimulus. It does not matter whether the most sensitive parts of your body are being touched, or how little clothing the person in front of you is wearing, because if your brain does not interpret that stimulus as arousing, you are unlikely […]

provide a biological and social critical analysis of Karen’s sexuality

Karen is a 22-year-old biological female and was referred to Helping Communities Grow, LLC from her friend. She informed the Human Services Professional at intake that she is a virgin and has not engaged in a relationship or sexual experiences of any kind due to her strict religious upbringing. Karen also disclosed that she feels […]