Which of these methods do you think is the most inconvenient, why?

Human Sexuality Psychology This week we discussed contraception. What method do you believe is most convenient. According to your lecture material, what are some advantages or disadvantages of this method? Which of these methods do you think is the most inconvenient, why? Marias post below One of the method can be a surgical abortion. The […]

Choose a social issue ( racism or sexuality) and write about how comedy engages with that issue.

How comedy engages with racism Choose a social issue ( racism or sexuality) and write about how comedy engages with that issue. Use multiple genres of comedy (tv, standup comedy, ) that deal with the same issue to form a unified understanding of the issue. David Chapelle

Discuss and critically analyze the ways in which Western colonial understandings of sexuality do not represent how refugees and people outside of Canada define, act upon, and express their sexualities.

Sexual Minority Refugee Claims Discuss and critically analyze the ways in which Western colonial understandings of sexuality do not represent how refugees and people outside of Canada define, act upon, and express their sexualities. How could the refugee process be changed to better accommodate sexual minority refugee claimants? (In 500 WORDS)

What would be your role as therapist in this case working from this perspective?

Discussion Case Study In this unit, you read about several different approaches to the treatment process with sexuality- and gender-related issues. Adapt and apply an approach of your choice to the following case study. Be sure to focus on the treatment planning phase of the process and how that would be conceptualized and implemented from […]

How these ideas help you engage with the banning of this text and writer?

GRIMMS, LAWRENCE AND BLUME Stories in this unit, exhibit women in a position of power, who use the power of their sexuality or overcome an oppressive sexist situation, or just to free themselves and learn about themselves. They were banned because they reject the strict conservative view of sexuality and femininity. FIRST: Introduce each writer […]

Does sexuality and chastity play an important element in this marriage-Has this couple had children, and how has this changed their marriage?

Students must investigate a fictional marriage either in a book or movie. Students need to get this book or movie approved by the professor before they begin the essay. The assignment is to write a 3 – page essay and apply the topics covered in this course to the marriage: What type of friendship exists […]

What are your values pertaining to sexuality? An interesting topic area for some; for others, one that should be avoided.

Sexuality in Counseling What are your values pertaining to sexuality? An interesting topic area for some; for others, one that should be avoided. This is true for the larger culture as well and not only for Regent students. Let’s not allow ourselves to be anxious about this topic as it is so intricately related to […]

What sport? Governing body? Who is not being included? What are the barriers preventing their inclusion? What is the current state of the issue? Are there any current laws or rules addressing the issue? Be specific.

-You are tasked with creating a solution to a problem in sports that makes it less inclusive. At a minimum, your solution should make sports more accessible in terms of race and gender- but ideally should also include other marginalized identities. i.e. ability, sexuality, religion, age, economic status, etc. Be Creative. Your solution should be […]

How does the writer connect various subtopics about identity—for instance, their personal identity and religious faith, or their personal identity and ethnicity?

This is a synthesis essay .will upload the readings that can be used to write the esay and 2 of those articles have to be used in the essay . Synthesis Essay Length: 3-4 pages double-spaced Format: MLA format, Times New Roman, Size 12, 1-inch margins Assignment: In this essay, you will read a few […]