What is the diversity measure of your personal and professional shareholder network?

Question Watch the following Ted Talk on Leadership https://www.ted.com/talks/roselinde_torres_what_it… (Links to an external site.) and answer the following questions (250 word minimum writing submission)- 1) Do you agree with the speaker that there are serious leadership gaps in society (business, government, etc.)? Why do you believe this (cite example/s-make sure it is an article footnoted […]

What are some factors that make cash management especially complicated in a multinational corporation?

MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1 U.S. Firms Look Overseas to Enhance Shareholder Value What is a multinational corporation? Why do companies “go global”? Identify and briefly discuss five major factors that complicate financial management in multinational firms What is an international monetary system? What is the difference between spot and forward exchange rates? What is the […]

Compare the evidence of the investment performance exhibited by quality shareholders to other active management investment strategies.

Quality Shareholders Prior to completing this assignment, read Chapter 13 in the Dhandho Investor, Lawrence Cunningham’s Initiative on Quality Shareholders Highlights Download Initiative on Quality Shareholders Highlights, and Jason Gordon’s Total Shareholder Return – Explained Links to an external site.. Cunningham (2020) “compared two portfolios over the study period (2014–2018): one comprised of the 25 […]

What options do you have to challenge the employment contract?

Prepare a case study that requires critical thinking. The case study should include related questions and guiding answers. AMC Corporation has entered into employment contract with a new CEO which includes $140 million compensation a year, reimbursement for private jet and payment of luxurious apartment in Manhattan. You are a shareholder in AMC corporation and […]

Explain some advantages and disadvantages of using the C corporation as a legal structure.

One typically thinks of C corporations as large companies. These corporations are publicly traded and are required to be structured as C corporations. However, not all C corporations are large; many are small, closely held, and even single-shareholder corporations. Your client may intends to structure his company as a C corporation. Using a minimum of […]

Explain why ISS has adopted the proposal and whether or not you agree with the proposal.

Activity I -Visit the website of Institutional Shareholder Services, Inc. (ISS), a provider of corporate governance solutions, at http://www.issgovernance.com/. Go to the “Policy Gateway” tab and select a recently adopted ISS policy. Write a memo to shareholders explaining the policy and how it will affect the corporate governance of companies. Explain why ISS has adopted […]

Identify-describe a long-term investment project (either real or fictional) that would likely require significant capital commitment.

Discussion 2-1 FIN 660 Why might companies disregard a positive NPV? MIT professor of financial economics Stewart C. Myers asserts that different decision rules might apply when investments are long-term rather than short-term (Myers, 1977). Financial managers may rationalize that it is in their immediate interest to invest in short-term projects because they bring the […]

What would you like to talk about in discussion? It may also be good to mention what you would find most helpful as you develop your case study.

Answer my professor’s question related to the paper. 1.For your case study, you’re going to write on a current business ethics topic. (By current, let’s say that the topic had to have been in the news after 8/1/2021.) What is your topic? Provide a link to the news story. 2.What is the question you are […]

Compare market conditions with the company’s performance. Conclude how the market conditions that year influenced the company’s performance

Shareholder Analysis Research Amazon’s financial reports for the most recent years available. Complete a 2- to 3-page FAQ/Shareholder Analysis. Evaluate economic conditions that influence company performance. Consider political, environmental, currency (money), global economics, and government influences on economic conditions. Compare market conditions with the company’s performance. Conclude how the market conditions that year influenced the […]