What aspects about Weil’s life and thought portrayed in the film “An Encounter with Weil” reflects how seriously she took being morally obligated to others?

Question 1: Adam Smith and Karl Marx proceed from a shared premise, but arrive at radically different conclusions about capitalism. What is this premise, and how and why do they draw different conclusions from it? How does Marx specifically spell them out? In what way does Marx’s critique of various forms of alienation in his […]

How does Simone Weil’s view of justice demonstrate a rooting in Greek philosophy?

In an essay of 400 to 800 words (with a typical font and spacing, this will be approximately 1-1/2 to 3 pages), respond to the following questions: What elements in the life and work of Simone Weil, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, and some of the characters portrayed in the movies Dr. Ambrosio mentions(Rick Blain […]