What have at least two other professional reviewers said about this book?

book analysis:Children at War by P.W Singer Include a descriptive title, a brief introduction and page numbers. Use standard font size and margins. You must cite quotations, specific data, specific ideas or opinions you get from your sources. Citations should be numbered and noted as footnotes.1 Include a works cited page at the end of […]

How secure is blockchain compared to other accounting systems?

For this paper, you will research blockchain in accounting and use the information you uncover to write a 5–10 page research paper detailing the topic. Submit the completed paper through this link. Make sure you are adhering to the guidelines included above. RESEARCH blockchain, including what it is, how it works, and its impact (current […]

What’s the form of the argument?,What’s the plan of attack?

PHIL 220• McDonald1. What is Singer’s thesis (hint: it’s on page 822, 1stcolumn)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Let’s get the picture of his argument:a)What’s the form of the argument? ________________________________________________b)What’s the plan of attack? _____________________________________________________3. Now, let’s fill in the argument in Standard Form:Assumption 1: _________________________________________________________________“Poverty” =def _______________________________________________________________________________Assumption 2: _________________________________________________________________Assumption 3: _________________________________________________________________Premise 1: IF________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________THEN_______________________________________________________________“Prevent something bad” =def_________________________________________________________________Premise 2: ____________________________________________________________________∴Conclusion:________________________________________________________________4. […]